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  • Zaedon's Kiss: Sci-fi Alien Romance (Ketaurran Warriors Book 3) Page 2

Zaedon's Kiss: Sci-fi Alien Romance (Ketaurran Warriors Book 3) Read online

Page 2

  Not only was he annoying, there was something about the male that made my scales itch. It was an unpleasant feeling, a warning of sorts. And if I was a luzardee, I would have shed my skin two or three times already.

  For a human, Derrick’s lean frame lacked the height and muscular build I had noticed in most of the males who worked with Burke. He did not hide the fact that he disliked ketaurrans. I had seen the expression often enough on the face of other humans. It was the guarded glares of hatred, the ones he shielded from Cara and her family that made me wary. Similar to the one he quickly masked soon after his dark gaze landed on me.

  Derrick ignored Cara’s question regarding his needs and countered with one of his own. “What’s he still doing here? I would have thought he’d be bored with our village and left by now.”

  As a vryndarr, my travels had taken me to many places, but I had never visited any of the human farming communities. The one where Cara resided when she was not working with Burke resembled a small village surrounded on three sides by large lush fields filled with deep-burgundy-colored plants. The ground beyond the fields gradually turned into sandy dirt sprinkled with huge boulders, and, in some areas along the perimeter, they formed tall walls of rock.

  Including Ellie and Isaac, Cara’s grandparents, there were five other families, couples with children, who’d started the community after their spaceship had crash-landed on Ketaurrios. The families lived in their own dwellings, and the single residents, or occasional visitors, stayed in one of several dorm-like buildings.

  “I find Cara’s home quite enjoyable.” I gripped the container Ellie had given me tighter. “I will be staying until the drezdarr orders me otherwise.” Even if Khyron had not suggested I accompany Cara to ensure her safety after learning about Doyle’s bounty, I would not have let her leave the human settlement without me.

  Luckily, her friends Laria, Celeste, and Sloane had come to my aid and eagerly insisted I go with her. Cara was an excellent fighter and quite skilled at taking care of herself. At first, she had been angry about my presence and did her best to avoid me. Eventually, her attitude changed. Even the banter we shared regarding the situation had gone from tense to almost playful.

  “Okay, then.” Cara moved closer to Ellie, putting her directly between us.

  I could fend for myself, did not need her help defending me from the puny male. Had she been any other female, I would have found the protective act insulting, not be exhilarated with the hope that she cared about my well-being.

  “Was there something you needed, Derrick?” Cara asked again.

  Disappointed by Cara’s lack of support, Derrick slumped his shoulders. “Yeah, I’m helping Josh with one of his projects, and he sent me to get some tools.” He kept his distance from me and shuffled to the opposite end of the long work bench. After selecting the two he needed, he started to leave, pausing to glance back at Cara. “Guess I’ll see you later.”

  She gave him a reluctant nod, then turned to Ellie. “So, is everything on track for the harvest?”

  “Isaac is meeting with the other families to assign tasks, and, so far, no problems.” Ellie peered through the opening where Cara had removed the panel on the harvester. “How’s the maintenance going?”

  “Not sure yet.” Cara frowned. “We had a problem with one of the parts, and I need to take a closer look at it.”

  “I’m sure you’ll have it running in no time, so I’ll let you two get back to it.” Ellie winked at me on her way out of the building.

  As soon as the door creaked shut, Cara said, “I’m sorry about Derrick. He’s…”

  “Not your responsibility.” I tweaked her chin. “He is nothing more than a bite to my backside.”

  Cara giggled. “I think the phrase you’re looking for is ‘pain in the ass,’ but your version works fine too.”

  She snatched a pyteinna out of the container before I could move it out of her reach. “Come on, let’s get back to work.” She quickly ate the flat cake, then grabbed an extraction tool off the bench.

  I stared at her back while she removed the defective part, pondering a question I had considered asking her more than once. “Cara.”

  “Yeah.” She gave the tool one last twist, freeing the part.

  “Why do you not tell Ellie and Isaac the truth?”

  She turned, concern marring her features. “The truth about what?”

  “About what happened with Doyle? Do you not think you should tell them about the bounty?” I asked.

  “No, and you aren’t going to tell them either.” She sighed, flipping a loose curl off her face. “They don’t know about the work I really do for Burke, and I’d like to keep it that way.”

  I placed the container on the bench, then leaned against the edge. “What explanation do you give them when you are gone for long periods of time?”

  “They think I go to the settlement to work with my friends, or possibly to spend time with a male.”

  The thought of Cara with another male was almost my undoing. I crossed my arms to keep from clenching my fists, but failed to keep my tail from swishing and banging against a corner leg of the bench. “Is there a male?” It was difficult to ask the question without growling.

  “No, that’s what Ellie assumes, and I don’t bother correcting her.” Her perceptive gaze dropped to my tail, then back to my face. “Actually, I avoid those kind of relationships.”

  Her admission was not going to make my task of getting close to her any easier, but it was a relief to know I would not have to hurt another male to remove any competition.



  “I see.” Zaedon’s response to my comment about not getting involved with a male in a relationship baffled me. I wasn’t sure what he saw, but his tone suggested he’d uncovered a hidden secret.

  I gave him a curious glance, then went back to examining the part by viewing it from different angles. “This isn’t good.”

  “What is wrong?” He pushed away from the bench, moving closer to see what I was talking about.

  “There’s a lot of damage.” I turned the part to show him the blackened area around the connectors. “Are you sure you didn’t do this on purpose so you could stay here longer?”

  He ran a hand roughly through the cinnamon streaks in his dark hair. “Cara, you have to know that I would never purposely…”

  I placed my hand on his arm. “Zaedon, I was teasing. I know it was an accident.” I shook my head. “We do have a problem, though.”

  The hint of relief I’d seen in his eyes disappeared. “Which is?”

  “This part is ruined, and the only person who can repair it lives in Golyndier, a town not far from here.”

  “But I thought you could repair anything.”

  I returned the extraction tool to its place on the bench. “Repair, yes. Reconstruct, no.”

  “What about Josh? Can he not fix it?” Zaedon asked.

  “Not with broken fingers. And even if he could, we don’t have the parts to replace the damaged area on the connectors.”

  “I am opposed to the idea of leaving. It will put your life at greater risk.”

  If he thought he could intimidate me by crossing his arms and flexing his muscles, he was wrong. I dropped the part on the bench, then stepped in front of him with my hands on my hips. “This is not about me.”

  I hadn’t lied when I told Zaedon there was only one person I knew of who could repair the part, but it wasn’t the only reason I wanted to go to Golyndier. Besides wanting to see Torrlun and his family, thinking about an extended stay in the community made me restless. I needed to get back to work, to help Khyron’s new collaboration team, of which I was a member, find out who was trying to kill him and possibly start another war.

  I couldn’t do anything to help if I was stuck out here wondering how much longer I could keep my whereabouts hidden. Doyle would never give up. It was only a matter of time before he discovered where I was and sent someone after me. If mercs showed up
in the community, people I cared about would get hurt, or worse. Thinking about the possibilities caused me more than one night of restless sleep.

  Having the bounty disappear was the only way to resolve the situation. In order to make that happen, I needed more information. Getting the part repaired provided the perfect opportunity. Not only could I visit my friends, but I could contact one of my sources and find out what I wanted to know.

  I knew if I told Zaedon what I had in mind, he’d strongly disagree, maybe even send word to Khyron in an attempt to stop me. It would be a lot easier dealing with Zaedon, slipping away from him if necessary, than it would be if I had all my friends watching my every move.

  “Cara, please.” He softened his tone, trying a different tact when I wouldn’t back down.

  I didn’t want to fight with him, but this was a battle of wills I needed to win. “No, you don’t understand. A lot of people rely on the harvest to survive. Without those plants, they won’t have enough food to make it until the next season. I need to get the harvester up and running. So you can either come with me or stay here. Your choice.”

  Chapter Two


  I stared out the viewing pane above the control panel of the solarveyor at the sandy dirt road and bordering rock formations. Tension rippled through my body, and I strained to keep a smile on my lips. Even though Vince, one of Burke’s males, had visited a week earlier and stated that no one had heard anything new about the bounty Doyle had placed on Cara, I was not happy about traveling to Golyndier. The overwhelming need to keep Cara safe was a constant struggle.

  I had made an oath long ago to the old drezdarr, Khyron’s father, that I would protect all humans. After learning that many would starve if the harvester was not repaired, I could not argue against Cara’s insistence about making the trip, but there was no way I would allow her to travel alone.

  Times after the war were difficult, survival a lot harder. Experience had taught me that not all beings, which sometimes included friends, could be trusted, that the offer of additional cradassons was a temptation some could not resist. I had been concerned that someone might recognize Cara’s vehicle and report her presence to one of the mercs searching for her.

  Since Cara had completed the repairs to Laria’s solarveyor, the one her friend treasured and had followed a human custom by naming Trixie, I suggested using the vehicle to make the trip. It was the first time the frustrating female agreed with me.

  When she offered to drive, I didn’t argue, preferring to take the seat next to her. It enabled me to keep a close watch on our surroundings and steal an occasional glimpse of her.

  “You know this trip would be a lot more fun if you weren’t planning on being mad at me the whole time.” Cara shot an annoyed glance in my direction, then tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  Yesterday was not the first time Ellie had mentioned the length of Cara’s hair. Imagining what she’d looked like with longer chestnut curls draped loosely over her shoulders had entertained my thoughts numerous times.

  The state of her hair was not the only thing I fantasized about. Having her in my bed and exploring her beautiful body had filled many of my dreams. From the moment I sniffed her alluring scent once she had cleaned the dirt from her body after our mission in the Quaddrien, I knew she was my ketiorra and could think of nothing else.

  Besides being a skilled warrior, with or without a weapon, she was the most difficult human female I had ever met. So far, any attempt I had made to get close to her ended in failure. Though having her respond so willingly to my kiss gave me hope that I would eventually make some progress.

  “What makes you believe I am upset?” I was, but I thought I had done a better job of hiding my frustration.

  “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because you haven’t said or done anything to irritate me since we left the farm.” She teased with a grin.

  It was not at all what I expected her to say and could not help but laugh. “I am certain I can find many ways to improve the situation.”

  “Of that I have no doubt.” She adjusted the controls, slowing the vehicle. “I guess irritating me will have to wait. We’re almost there.”

  Returning my gaze to the pane, I could see the shape of buildings taking form in the distance. When we reached the edge of the small city, Cara veered to the right, taking a road that skirted the perimeter and led to a large area where other solarveyors in various sizes were parked.

  “Most of these belong to visitors who come to trade in the market,” Cara said.

  Several of the larger cities and most of the smaller towns in the area had trader markets. Many craftsman and farmers, human and ketaurran alike, who didn’t mind traveling, ventured among the handful of settlements, selling or trading their wares.

  After parking between two larger vehicles, making it difficult to see our transport from a distance, Cara slipped out of her seat and reached for her hooded jacket. “It will be easier to blend in if we walk from here.”

  I noticed her putting on the coat without securing a belt and knife to her hip as I had. “Are you not taking a blade?”

  “I don’t need one.” She flexed her fingers. “I’m already armed.”

  “I have grown so used to seeing Laria, Celeste, and Sloane wield their blades that I forgot you prefer to use your body as a weapon.” Thinking about her firm muscles had my body heating and my shaft hardening. I could not afford the distraction, nor did I want Cara to notice how much her nearness affected me.

  I quickly donned my coat. It was similar to Cara’s, but in a darker shade of brown. The thigh-length worked well for concealing weapons and the hood kept me from being easily recognized.

  She chuckled. “There are times when not being armed works in my favor.” She strapped a bag containing the part over her shoulder and opened the access door. “You ready?”

  I nodded, then followed her outside. Shortly after passing several buildings, Cara placed her hand on my arm, stopping me before we reached the open area designated for selling. “I think we should avoid the market.” She tipped her head toward a narrow walkway between two buildings on the left. “This way.”

  I remained silent, letting her lead, warily surveying our surroundings and noting anything I could use as a landmark later. We took three different walkways before reaching a long stretch of dirt wide enough to accommodate a transport.

  Cara glanced in my direction. “It’s the dwelling on the end.”

  Most of the buildings we passed were constructed from wood, the exteriors sealed with a sandy mixture to protect them from the ever-changing weather. This one appeared to be well maintained, the cracks in the protective layer less noticeable than on the home sitting next to it.

  The knock Cara had given the door was answered in less than a minute. I had expected a human to answer, not the older ketaurran male with dark hair and light blue scales.

  “Surprise,” Cara said, pushing the hood from her head.

  The male grinned, his dark amber eyes widening. “Cara.” The male pulled her into a hug and lifted her off her feet. “It has been a long time.”

  “Too long.” She stepped back with a giggle after he returned her feet to the ground.

  Jealousy was not something I had experienced often, at least not until I met Cara. Witnessing their comfortable familiarity sparked the emotion, forcing me to disguise a possessive growl with a cough.

  Cara pinned me with a narrow-eyed glare. “Zaedon, this is Torrlun, the mechanical expert I was telling you about.”

  “Cara notoriously exaggerates my skills.” He hid the perusal he gave me behind a charming smile. “Please come in.” He stepped aside, motioning for us to enter. “Erin and Rajak will be excited to see you.”

  Cara expectantly glanced around the large room he led us through. The center area was clear, leaving an open pathway to the opposite side of the room. A dining table and chairs sat off to the right, and two small loungers were positioned near the wall on the left. Ever
ything in the room appeared to be neat and clean, reflecting the same kind of care as the exterior of the building.

  “They have gone to the market and will be back shortly,” Torrlun said as he walked into another room resembling a much smaller version of the building Cara and Josh used for repairs. Workbenches lined two of the walls, one of them displaying a wide selection of tools. Although their design was similar to the tools Josh brought from Earth, it was obvious they were crafted by a ketaurran.

  Torrlun turned and leaned against one of the benches, bracing his hands along the edge. “Since you brought a guest, I assume there is a reason for your visit.”

  “I need your expertise.” Cara reached into the bag strapped to her shoulder, pulled out the damaged unit, and handed it to Torrlun.

  “This part is from the power unit on one of the harvesters. It was accidentally damaged and I need to know how quickly you can repair it.”

  Torrlun held the piece at eye level. After he’d examined it from various angles, the furrow between his brows deepened. “This was not caused by an accident.”

  “Are you certain?” I shared a glance with Cara, relieved that my eagerness to assist her the day before had not caused the damage.

  “Quite certain.” Torrlun held up the part, waiting for us to move closer, then pointed at a gap between the connectors. “It has been tampered with. See the tiny scrapes in the metal?”

  “Huh.” Cara squinted. “They’re barely noticeable.”

  “If the harvester had been fully operational, the changes made to this part might have destroyed the solars.”

  “And you believe that why?” Cara asked, skepticism in her tone.

  “If you look closely, there is also a difference in this connector compared to the one next to it.”

  “Yeah, Zaedon pointed that out right before he touched it with a screwdriver.”

  “I assume you received quite a shock.” Torrlun directed his comment at me.

  I nodded, remembering the brief jolt of pain that ended with Cara’s wonderful kiss.